Author: High Economist

Istorii ale traficului de ființe umane din Moldova și România

raficul de fiinţe umane este exploatarea altei persoane sau muncii acesteia prin înşelăciune, constrîngere, deseori în medii necunoscute persoanei exploatate. Traficanţii se bazează pe o varietate largă de metode, deseori profitînd de oameni aflaţi în poziţie vulnerabilă, cum ar fi migranţii ilegali.

Se observă o tendinţă de creştere a victimelor care acceptă locuri de muncă cu risc ridicat (chelneri, dansatori, prostituţie, gazdă, etc.). Principalul motiv fiind disperarea cauzată de sărăcie, şomaj, salarii joase, iar uneori şi trauma psihologică urmare a violenţei în familie, inclusiv a abuzului fizic şi psihologic, incest şi viol.

Câteva istorii ale traficului de ființe umane:

– Viorica Ursa, traficant condamnat la 10 ani închisoare. Ea descrie visurile pe care ea le-a avut și care împreună cu fetele pe care le-a traficat au ajuns la o soartă tristă.


– Intalnire emotionala a mamei si fiicei dupa 25 de ani.


Какова цена советской оккупации Молдовы?

     В Молдове начились дискусий по поводу ущерба нанесенным Советским Союзом при оккупации Молдовы и размер компенсации которые надо ставить перед Москвой. Тема была поднята Председателем Парламента Республики Молдова – Адриан Канду, в одном из последних интервию. Пока разгаворы дайдут до некоторых цифр, нужно знать что Молдова не первая из бывших стран СССР где имеют место такие дискусии. На этой теме интересно увидеть например информацию о размерах компенсации которые были озвучины Литвой.

Ниже представляю отрывок с литовскими цифрами из книги Владислава Николаевича Шведа -“Как развалить Россию? Литовский вариант

Впервые вопрос о компенсациях в размере 462 миллиардов долларов США, рассчитанных с помощью известного американского гарвардского экономиста Л. Саммерса, Литва публично озвучила еще в 1991 г. (См. газету «Согласие» /Вильнюс/, № 18,30.04.1991 г. «Цена оккупации»).

* 14 июня 1994 г. граждане Литвы в ходе всенародного референдума выразили желание добиться от России возмещения ущерба за «оккупацию».
* 13 июня 2000 г. Сейм Литвы принял Закон (№ VIII-1727) «О возмещении причиненного оккупацией СССР ущерба». На основании этого закона Межведомственная комиссия литовских институций в октябре 2000 г. представила правительству страны данные об ущербе, подсчитанные Институтом экономики и приватизации Министерства хозяйства Литвы, составляющие в стоимостном выражении 20 млрд. долл. США. Эта сумма складывалась из нижеследующих позиций (данные неофициальные):
— ущерб от гибели населения страны вследствие советской оккупации Литвы: 7,5 млрд. долл. США;
— геноцид и репрессии жителей Литвы: 1,8 млрд. долл. США;
— ущерб, причиненный преследованием резистентов: 0,171 млрд. долл. США;
— насильственный призыв граждан Литвы в Советскую Армию и военизированные части в 1940 г. и 1944–1990 гг.: 2,3 млрд. долл. США;
— национализация имущества населения, насильственное объединение земледельцев в колхозы, присвоение ценных бумаг и банковских сбережений граждан Литвы: 0,5 млрд. долл. США;
— ущерб, нанесенный оккупацией католической церкви церквями иных вероисповеданий: около 0,2 млрд. долл. США;
— ущерб из-за насильственного прекращения государственных функций: около 1,4 млрд. долл. США;
— вынужденная эмиграция и понесенный общественными организациями ущерб: около 6 млрд. долл. США;
— общеэкономические потери из-за неполученного национального продукта: около 0,8 млрд. долл. США.

* 16 января 2007 г. Литва вновь напомнила России о долге за «советскую оккупацию». Тогда Сейм Литвы в дополнение к закону от 13 июня 2000 г. принял резолюцию «О возмещении ущерба от оккупации СССР». Согласно ей, России уже предлагается выплатить Литве 24 млрд. евро.


Торговля людьми в бывший Советский Союз

Торговля людьми – это глобальная проблема, которая затрагивает жизнь миллионов людей практически в любой стране мира и которая лишает их человеческого достоинства.

Торговля людьми вводит в заблуждение и превращает в жертв женщин, мужчин и детей из всех уголков мира и ежедневно заставляет их быть объектом эксплуатации. Хотя самой известной формой торговли людьми является сексуальная эксплуатация, сотни тысяч жертв становятся также объектом торговли для целей принудительного труда, подневольной работы в качестве домашней прислуги, детского попрошайничества или извлечения органов.

По данным национальных органов, самым распространенным видом торговли людьми является торговля в целях сексуальной эксплуатации.

Veaceslav Platon and Russian Laundromat

How Veaceslav Platon’s High Life in Kyiv Came Crashing Down

Elina Cobaleva, a Russian celebrity stylist,vis the ex-wife of Veaceslav Platon, a Moldovan businessman, and one of the country’s richest men. The two were married in 2001 and divorced in 2014.

An Instagram photo showing a Bentley Continental GT V8 doing 250 kilometers an hour reads “We take off. #IAmRocket #Gagarin.” Elina Cobaleva sits behind the wheel.

Using banking and customs records, RISE Moldova, an OCCRP partner, tracked the purchase of the Bentley and discovered that the luxury car was paid for with money received from the Russian Laundromat, a US$ 20.8 billion financial fraud scheme uncovered by OCCRP in 2014.


Panama papers – Offshore leaks of the wealthiest 1%

Offshore Trove Exposes Trump-Russia Links And Piggy Banks Of The Wealthiest 1 Percent

Offshore Trove Exposes Trump-Russia links and Piggy Banks of the Wealthiest 1 Percent

A trove of 13.4 million records exposes ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump’s billionaire commerce secretary, the secret dealings of the chief fundraiser for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the offshore interests of the queen of England and more than 120 politicians around the world.

The leaked documents, dubbed the Paradise Papers, show how deeply the offshore financial system is entangled with the overlapping worlds of political players, private wealth and corporate giants, including Apple, Nike, Uber and other global companies that avoid taxes through increasingly imaginative bookkeeping maneuvers.

One offshore web leads to Trump’s commerce secretary, private equity tycoon Wilbur Ross, who has a stake in a shipping company that has received more than $68 million in revenue since 2014 from a Russian energy company co-owned by the son-in-law of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The new files come from two offshore services firms as well as from 19 corporate registries maintained by governments in jurisdictions that serve as waystations in the global shadow economy. The leaks were obtained by German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and a network of more than 380 journalists in 67 countries.

The promise of tax havens is secrecy – offshore locales create and oversee companies that often are difficult, or impossible, to trace back to their owners. While having an offshore entity is often legal, the built-in secrecy attracts money launderers, drug traffickers, kleptocrats and others who want to operate in the shadows. Offshore companies, often “shells” with no employees or office space, are also used in complex tax-avoidance structures that drain billions from national treasuries.

The offshore industry makes “the poor poorer” and is “deepening wealth inequality,” said Brooke Harrington, a certified wealth manager and Copenhagen Business School professor who is the author of ‘Capital without Borders: Wealth Managers and the One Percent.’

“There is this small group of people who are not equally subject to the laws as the rest of us, and that’s on purpose,” Harrington said. These people “live the dream” of enjoying “the benefits of society without being subject to any of its constraints.”

Offshore leaks database:
If you check if there is local Romania / Moldova guys involved too in leaks, of course they are. Just some of them:
– Alexandru Sîrbu / John Maxemchuk and Sun Communications:
– Ion Sturza:
– Anatolie Stati:
– OMV Petrom S.A.:
– Sorin Ovidiu Vintu:

Grand theft Moldova – how billions are vanishing

Moldova is a tiny country squeezed between the interests of Russia and the European Union. Despite or perhaps because of its rampant poverty, it has grown into one of the biggest money laundering hubs on the continent.

Billions in black money flow annually through local banks. Moldova is a proxy – most of the money flowing through its banking system is not Moldovan. But the process has corrupted Moldovan society and wreaked havoc on the country’s politics, economy and judiciary.

The November billion vanished after the banks gave loans to companies owned by people whose identities remain hidden in a maze of offshore corporations. The borrowers took the money and ran. The collapse of these loans was a serious blow to a Moldovan banking sector already buffeted by corruption scandals:

  • The Magnitsky Affair began in 2007 when US$ 230 million was stolen from the Russian budget. Eventually, the money was routed through a group of Moldovan banks; some of it was traced to high-end real estate in New York City.
  • The Russian Laundromat, uncovered by OCCRP in August of 2014, was much bigger, passing US$ 20 billion in stolen Russian funds through some of the same Moldovan banks en route to Europe.


Traficul de ființe umane în Moldova și România

Din nefericire aceasta este o realitate pentru această regiune împânzită de sărăcie și corupție. Majoritatea victimelor din numărul persoanelor traficate, sunt femei şi fete, care în de obicei sunt impuse să practice prostituţia. Jumătate din numărul persoanelor traficate, sunt minori, care sunt exploataţi sexual, impuși la muncă silită sau le sunt preluate organele.

Moldova și România continuă să se numere printre “pieţele” cele mai înfloritoare pentru exploatarea sexuală, munca forţată şi traficul de organe. Mii de persoane au emigrat din această regiune pentru a scăpa de sărăcie și a avea o șansă la o viață decentă. Traficanţii însă se folosesc de această emigrare masivă, legală şi ilegală, pentru a fi aduse în stare de sclavie sau servitute. Victime ale traficului de fiinţe umane pot deveni bărbaţi, femei şi copii.

Traficul de fiinţe umane a afectat mai toate vârstele. Cele mai multe victime de obicei sunt din mediul rural. În ultimii ani, printre victimele traficului figurează tot mai des bărbaţii.

În multe cazuri, victimelor traficului de fiinţe umane le sunt promise locuri de muncă avantajoase în străinătate. Ulterior, odată ajunşi la locul de destinaţie, adeseori pe contul traficanţilor, acestea descoperă că sunt “îndatorate” traficanţilor şi prin urmare obligate să muncească pe gratis sau pentru un salariu derizoriu. Femeile şi fetele sunt adesea recrutate ca să lucreze în sectorul serviciilor sau domeniul hotelier, dar sfârşesc prin a se prostitua, forţate de teamă, “datorii”, dependenţa de droguri sau violenţă.

Mai jos vedeți:
– istoria lui Tudor Viola, traficant de ființe umane care descrie modul în care aducea femei pe străzile Spaniei.

– istoria Marianei Racu, tânară din Moldova condamnată la 7 ani închisoare pentru trafic de ființe umane. Un caz în care prada devine vânător. Fiind traficată singură, ea a fost acuzată mai târziu de trafic de prietena sa.

Moldova involved in Russian Laundromat

The “Laundromat” – a financial vehicle to move vast sums of money out of Russia through banks for years. The billions were moved from Russia, into and through the 112 bank accounts that comprised the system in eastern Europe, then into banks around the world.

Reporters can now say that much of the money ultimately found its way to Russian businessmen who own groups of companies involved in construction, engineering, information technology, and banking. All held hundreds of millions of US dollars in state contracts either with the government directly, or with state-owned entities.

Money that might have helped repair the country’s deteriorating roads and ports, modernize the health care system, or ease the poverty of senior citizens – was instead deposited in a Moldovan bank. At the other end of the Laundromat, money flowed out for luxuries, for rock bands touring Russia, and on a small Polish non-governmental organization that pushed Russia’s agenda in the European Union. (It is run by Mateusz Piskorski, a Polish pro-Kremlin party leader arrested for spying for Russia).

Well-known companies unwittingly took part when beneficiaries used their Laundromat money to buy goods and services: South Korea’s Samsung received laundered money, as did the Swedish telecom company Ericsson, and the toolmaker Black & Decker. In the United States, $500,000 went to Total Golf Construction Inc., the company that boasts of renovating a Donald Trump golf course on Canouan Island in the Grenadines.
